Dr. LIU Wei earned his Ph.D. from Zhejiang University in 2018 and conducted postdoctoral research at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the United States. In late 2022, he returned to China as a PI at the Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Brain Disease and Bioinformatics at Xuzhou Medical University.
Our research focuses on the role of cellular organelles in neurodevelopment and neurological disorders. In recent years, I have published several papers as the first or co-first author in prestigious journals, including Autophagy, Cell Death & Differentiation, and PLOS Genetics.
Prof. Dr. Liu’s publication record can be accessed via the link below:
Representative publications:
1.*Xiong X-P, *Liang W, *Liu W, Xu S, Li J-L,Tito A, et al. (2022) The circular RNA Edis regulates neurodevelopment and innate immunity. PLoS Genetics 18(10): e1010429.(*equal contribution )
2.Liu W, Liang W, Xiong X-P, Li J-L, Zhou R (2022) A circular RNA Edis-Relish-castor axis regulates neuronal development in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics 18(10): e1010433.
3.*Liu, W., *Duan, X., Xu, L., Shang, W., Zhao, J., Wang, L., Li, J.C., Chen, C.H., Liu, J.P., and Tong, C. (2020). Chchd2 regulates mitochondrial morphology by modulating the levels of Opa1. Cell death and differentiation 27(6):2014-2029. PMCID: PMC7244760
4.*Liu, W., *Duan, X., Fang, X., Shang, W., and Tong, C. (2018). Mitochondrial protein import regulates cytosolic protein homeostasis and neuronal integrity. Autophagy 14(8):1293-1309. PMCID: PMC6208451